MARKING GUIDE: Design a Product packaging and label




       SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022





TITLE: Design a Product packaging and label








The paper is composed of three (3) main Sections as follows:


Section I: This section is compulsory .                        55 Marks

Section II: This section is composed by three (3) compulsory. 30 Marks

Section III: attempt any one (1 ) out of two questions.        15 Marks




Every candidate is required to carefully comply with the above instructions. Penalty measures will be applied on their strict consideration.







Section I: This section is compulsory .                        55 Marks


1. What is product package design?          5 Marks

Packaging design is the process of creating everything on the outside of a product that a consumer would buy at a store or online. This might include the container, any graphics or text on the package, as well as all labels and interior packaging.

2. Provide atleast 5 International Packaging Symbols.   /5Marks

Wine Glass

Hands with Box


Upward Arrows

Person Lifting in Prohibition Sign

3. What are the types of packaging Materials./5Marks

Corrugated Boxes:

Boxboard or Paperboard Cartons:

Paper Bags and Sacks:

Plastic boxes

Rigid box

4. Explain Features of Good Packaging.     5 Marks

Attractive: Since one of the main objective of packaging is to attract customers so package should be very attractive and fascinating. ...

Economical: The cost of packaging should not be high.



Environment friendly

5. Explain  functions of packaging  for simplifying designing work.        5 Marks

(i) Product Identification:


Packaging serves as an identification of the product. A product is packed in special sized, coloured and shaped container for keeping its difference from the products of competitors.

(ii) Product Protection:


The main function of packaging is to provide protection to the product from dirt, insects, dampness and breakage. For example, the products like biscuit, jam, chips, etc., need to be protected from environmental contact. That is why they are tightly packed.

(iii) Convenience:

Packaging provides convenience in the carriage of the product from one place to another, in stocking and in consuming.

6. What is a die cutter machine?       5 Marks


A die cutting machine is used to cut different shapes of card or paper using a die. The die cutting machine uses a combination of rollers and cutting plates to put pressure on a die and push it through the card or paper to create a shape with neat and precise outlines – this shape is called a die cut.


7. What is design sketch?           5 Marks

A Design Sketch is an informal visualization that with sketching techniques shows the context, borders, features, benefits and costs of an enterprise structure at a conceptual, logical or physical level.

8.  How to Lock or unlock objects or layers in Adobe Photoshop (Steps)?    5 Marks

To lock objects, click the edit column button (to the right of the eye icon) in the Layers panel for the object or layer you want to lock. ...

To unlock objects, click the lock icon in the Layers panel for the object or layer you want to unlock.


9. How do you open an image as a layer in Adobe Illustrator give 4 ways? 5 Marks

Place (import) artwork files

Open the Illustrator document into which you want to place the artwork.

Choose File > Place, and select the text file you want to place.

Select Link to create a link to the file, or deselect Link to embed the artwork in the Illustrator document.

Click Place.

10.  How do you make a PDF in Illustrator?     5 Marks

To save a file as a PDF, follow these steps:

1.   Choose File→ Save As, select Illustrator PDF (.pdf) from the Save As Type drop-down list, and then click Save.

2.   In the Adobe PDF Options dialog box that appears, choose one of these options from the Preset drop-down list: ...

3.   Click Save PDF to save your file in PDF format.

11. What is a software you can use for designing DVD Label?  2 Marks

ANS: Adobe photoshop

12. Write in full the following abbreviations: 3 Marks

a. UPC: Universal Product Code

b. FPO: For Position Only ()

c. QR : (quick response code)


 Section II: This section is composed by three (3) compulsory. 30 Marks

13. After defining what is creative brief state atleast 5 Key Elements of a Successful Creative Brief. /10Marks

A creative brief is a short 1-2 page document outlining the strategy for a creative project. Think of it as a map that guides its target audience - the creative team - on how to best reach the campaign's stated goals.

1. describe your company

2. summarize the project

3. explain your objectives

4. define your target audience

5. outline the deliverables you need

6. identify your competition


14. What are the questions you can ask yourself for defining your target audience?  10 Marks

Who’s your customer? Who are you trying to reach with this project or campaign?

15.  State the elements of product label.    10 Marks

Placing product logo, name, tag line, value statements, graphics and arts.

Creating and adding of barcode

·         Creating custom barcodes

·         Placing the barcode

Section III: attempt any one (1 ) out of two questions.        15 Marks

16. We are recommended that we measure our container and figure out the correct label size before we start designing our labels. Name the following mentioned tools:







A: Toolbox

B. Pen Tool

C: Gradient

D: Artboard

E: Palettes

17. Before defining what is Barcode provide their uses.     15 Marks

Barcodes are applied to products as a means of quick identification. They are used in retail stores as part of the purchase process, in warehouses to track inventory, and on invoices to assist in accounting, among many other uses.


A barcode or bar code is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. Initially, barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacings of parallel lines.


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