NESA: National Comprehensive Assessment Making Guide of Editing Digital Image



 SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021

                      SECTOR: MEDIA AND FILM MAKING

                          TRADE: MULTIMEDIA

                           RTQF LEVEL: IV




The examination comprises three (3) sections:

ü  Section A: All questions  are compulsory          (55 Marks)

ü  Section B:

Ø  This section is composed by three (3)compulsory questions

Ø  Scoring is out of 30 marks being 10 Marksfor each question

ü  Section C:

Ø  In this section is composed by one (1)compulsory question

Ø  Scoring is out of 15 Marks

ü  Plot a line after each question in order to separate your answers



SECTION ONE: Answer all questions in Section A  55Marks

1.   Define the following terms: 

a)    Color correction: is a process used in stage lighting, photography, television, cinematography, and other disciplines, which uses color gels, or filters, to alter the overall color of the light.

b)   Image file compression: is a data compression method in which the logical size of a file is reduced to save disk space for easier and faster transmission over a network or the Internet.

c)    Image file format: is a standard way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file.

d)   Image resolution: is the detail that an image holds. . The term applies to raster digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail. Image resolution can be measured in various ways. Resolution quantifies how close lines can be to each other and still be visibly resolved.

e)    White balancing: is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo.

2.   a) What is Adobe Photoshop?    

Adobe Photoshop is software developed by Adobe to create and edit images and logos. By adobe photoshop adjustment and modification can be done.

b) What is a Gradient in Adobe Photoshop?

Gradients are a great way to introduce eye-catching and flashy graphics in your pages.


3.   What is resizing images and what are the parameters to change the size of the picture?

Resizing image: is the modification of the images size either width or height

The parameters to change the size of image are: 

·          Type of image or picture

·          Size of pixels

·          Background resolution


4.   How do you organize layers in Photoshop?

A layer shows a picture or image. To organize layers in Photoshop, place various images in separate layers. Lock the unused layers and unlock the layers which are in use. When two or more layers need to be changed, unlock the layers.

5.   a) what is a digital image

A digital image is a representation of a real image as a set of numbers that can be stored and handled by a digital computer. Digital images are made of picture elements called pixels.  Typically, pixels are organized in an ordered rectangular array

b) How can you capture a digital image?

Ø  Saving image from a digital camera

Ø  Using print screen

Ø  Saving image from website

Ø  Using a scanning application and scan an image


6.  Match the color tone in column A with corresponding description in column B by writing the answer in a provided space



Column A

Column B


1.   Colour tone

A.   An image looks more sharp or more detailed


2.   Contrast Sensitivity

B.   It looks similar to grain found in film photographs


3.   Blurring

C.   Unwanted changes in photos that result from the inner workings of your camera.


4.   Visual Noise

D.  It measures the ability of visual system to discriminate an object from its background


5.   Artifacts


E.   Photogrammetry is used for accurate measurements on remote sensing images and photographs



F.   It is produced either by mixing a color with grey, or by both tinting and shading


7.   What is healing tool?

Healing tool is used in Photoshop to hide the unwanted spots or pictures that appeared in your original picture and makes picture look like real without any changes.  The tool use complicated algorithm to calculate what would be the area of your picture based on the surrounding pixels.


8.   How does the Red Eye tool work?

The red eye tool in Photoshop is an easy-to-use tool for removing red eye from photographs that have been taken with a direct flash source


9.   How you fix the blurry images in Photoshop?

To fix the blurry images in Photoshop you can use sharpening tools. Sharpening the image will lose the pixels, make sure you are finished with everything else and saved the changes before you start sharpening the image


10. How do you crop an image in Adobe Photoshop?

The process of cropping an image involves the following steps:

Ø  Select any random part of the image.

Ø  From the menu, select the shape of the cropping tool.

Ø  Hold the shift key and drag to select the marquee to circle or square.

Ø  Hold marquee from the center, after selecting and cropping the image, hold down Alt.

11.       Answer by True if you agree with the  given statement otherwise by False by encircling the corresponding letter

  1. Each Photoshop tool has a corresponding shortcut key. FALSE
  2. In a composition, brightness is used to direct the viewer's eye to a specific area or image. FALSE
  3. The quality of your printer and paper will affects the appearance of your output. TRUE
  4. Using the zoom tool, you can view the areas you need to focus on in as high or as low of a magnification as you want. TRUE
  5. You need an internet connection to use Photoshop help. FALSE


SECTION TWO: Answer three questions in Section B30 Marks

12. a) What do mean by color model?

A color model:is a system that uses three primary colors to create a larger range of colors. There are    different kinds of color models used for different purposes, and each has a slightly different range of colors they can produce. The whole range of colors that a precise type of color model produces is called a color space. All color results from how our eye processes light waves, but depending on the type of media, creating that color comes from different methods.

b)   Discuss about 2 basic color models used in image editing.

Ø   The RGB Colour Model

There are two basic kinds of color models, additive and subtractive. Let's look at an additive color model first. The most common one is Red/Green/Blue, usually referred to as RGB. This color model uses light to create color, and it is used for digital media. When you play a game on your smart phone or watch an action movie on TV, you are seeing color in an RGB color space. RGB is called an additive color model because when the three colors of light are shown in the same concentration at the same time, they produce white. If all the lights are out, they create black.

Ø  The CMYK Color Model

When printing color images, you can't use coloured light, and that means images cannot be printed in RGB. That is where the other color model comes in. A subtractive color model adds pigment in the form of ink or dye that causes an absence of white. The most common subtractive color model is Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black, usually referred to as CMYK. It is what printers use, and you will sometimes also see it called process color because it is used in the four color printing process. To print a color image on paper, you have to use ink. Starting with the bright white paper surface, the colours are printed according to a pattern. The more color is applied, the more the white surface is masked. That is why it is called subtractive. But why the addition of black ink, because when all the colours are mixed, they create a muddy brown. To get rich deep black, you have to use black ink.


It is frequently suggested that the ‘K’ in CMYK comes from the last letter in ‘black’ and was chosen because B already refers to blue. However, this explanation is incorrect. The ‘K’ in CMYK stands for ‘key’ since in four-color printing cyan, magenta, and yellow printing plates are carefully keyed or aligned with the key of the black key plate. Black is used because the combination of the three primary colors (CMY) doesn’t produce a fully saturated black. This is evident in the central black color created by the overlapping circles in the color chart above.


13. Describe the four (4) types of digital images Resolution.

Four of the most important kinds are: spatial, radiometric, spectral, and temporal resolution.

Spatial resolution

     Spatial resolution is a term that refers to the number of pixels utilized in construction of a digital image.

     The measure of how closely lines can be resolved in an image

     Spatial resolution means each pixel represents a small square of ground


Spectral resolution describes the ability of a sensor to define fine wavelength intervals. The finer the spectral resolution, the narrower the wavelength ranges for a particular channel or band. Black and white film records wavelengths extending over much, or all of the visible portion of the electromagnetic range.


Radiometric resolutionrefers to how much information is in a pixel and is expressed in units of bits. A single bit of information represents a binary decision of yes or no, with a mathematical value of 1 or 0.

Radiometric resolution refers to the dynamic range, or the number of different output numbers in each band of data, and is determined by the number of bits into which the recorded radiation is divided. In 8-bit data, the digital numbers (DN) can range from 0 to 255 for each pixel (28 = 256 total possible numbers). Obviously more bits results in higher radiometric accuracy of the sensor.



Temporal resolution (TR)refers to the accuracy of a measurement with respect to time.

Movie cameras and high-speed cameras can resolve/decide events at different points in time. The time resolution used for movies is usually 24 to 48 frames per second (frames/s), whereas high-speed cameras may resolve 50 to 300 frames/s, or even more.

Temporal resolution refers to the discrete resolution of a measurement with respect to time.

14. Write a short notes on the following raster file formats:

A. JPEG (or JPG) - Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPEGs might be the most common file type you run across on the web, and more than likely the kind of image that is in your company's MS Word version of its letterhead. JPEGs are known for their "lossy" compression, meaning that the quality of the image decreases as the file size decreases.You can use JPEGs for projects on the web, in Microsoft Office documents, or for projects that require printing at a high resolution

B. PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PNGs are "lossless," meaning you can edit them and not lose quality, they are still low resolution.

The reason PNGs are used in most web projects is that you can save your image with more colors on a transparent background. This makes for a much sharper, web-quality image.

C. GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

GIFs are most common in their animated form, which are all the rage on Tumblr pages and in banner ads. GIFs are formed from up to 256 colors in the RGB color space. Due to the limited number of colors, the file size is drastically reduced.

This is a common file type for web projects where an image needs to load very quickly, as opposed to one that needs to retain a higher level of quality.

D. TIFF - Tagged Image File Format

A TIF is a large raster file that doesn't lose quality. This file type is known for using "lossless compression," meaning the original image data is maintained regardless of how often you might copy, re-save, or compress the original file.

Despite TIFF images' ability to recover their quality after manipulation, you should avoid using this file type on the web -- it can take forever to load. TIFF files are also commonly used when saving photographs for print.

E.   BMP

The BMP file format (Windows bitmap) handles graphic files within the Microsoft Windows OS. Typically, BMP files are uncompressed, and therefore large and lossless; their advantage is their simple structure and wide acceptance in Windows programs

SECTION THREE: Answer one questions in Section C15Marks

15.   As  image editor , write step to do the following:

a.    Blemish remover steps

b.   Remove red eye steps

c.    Teeth whitening  steps

A.   Blemish remover STEPS

1.  Select the Healing Brush tool in the Tools panel.

2.  Set the Diameter of the brush to a size slightly larger than the size of the blemish.

3.  Set the Hardness of the brush to 0%.

4.  Hold down the Alt key and click on an unblemished part of the skin with texture similar to the area needing repair.

5.  Release the Alt key

6.  Place the mouse pointer over the blemish on the subject’s face and click on it once to watch it disappear.

7.  Repeat steps 3 to 7 to repair any other remaining skin imperfections on the subject’s face.



Simply, Click on the Spot Healing Brush Tool and go down to the bottom of the menu to select the red-eye Tool. This Tool works best when set to a 50% pupil Size and a 50% Darken amount. Click and drag around the eye, and let go

1.  Put the image that you want up in Photoshop. While editing, you want it as large as you can get it.

2.  In the toolbox, right click on the plaster (Band-Aid). Click on the icon that looks like an eye and is labeled "Red eye tool".

3.  Click the eyes on your image in order to remove the red eye. You will know when you have done this successfully because you will notice the eyes are no longer flashy and the image looks much better.

4.  You have now removed the redeye and you can now do what you want with the image, get it framed, put it on Facebook, etc. Be sure to downsize it when you are finished.



Step 1: Select the Lasso Tool

Step 2: Draw a Selection around the Teeth

Step 3: Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer

Step 4: Change the Edit Option to Yellows

Step 5: Lower the Saturation of the Yellow Step

6: Change the Edit Mode Back To Master

Step 7: Drag the Lightness Slider to Brighten the Teeth

Step 8: Select the Brush Tool

Step 9: Set Your Foreground Color to Black

Step 10: Paint around the Teeth to Clean Up the Area



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