SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021





















The paper is composed of three (3) main Sections as follows:


Section I: Fifteen (15) compulsory questions.                        55 Marks

Section II: This section is composed by three (3) compulsory. 30 Marks

Section III: attempt any one (1 ) out of two questions.        15 Marks




Every candidate is required to carefully comply with the above instructions. Penalty measures will be applied on their strict consideration.







Section I: This section is  compulsory .                        55 Marks


1.    The camera battery is usually located at the bottom right side of the camera. True or False . (3 marks)

Answer – True

Cfr google and

Learning unit 1

Page: 522

Learning outcome: 1.1


2.    To pop up the camera flash on for the most DSLR cameras you need to press the +/- button. True or False     (3 marks)

 Answer – False

Cfr google


3.    It is recommended to keep your camera off  when you are changing the memory card and battery . True or False      (4 marks)

 Answer – True

Cfr Google

4.    Define the following terms:

a.    LCD Screen - this screen will let you see what the photo will look like and, typically, let you see what you've already taken and erase what you don't need.

b.    Tripod: In photography, a tripod is used to stabilize and elevate a camera, a flash unit, or other photographic equipment.

c.    Lens: A camera lens is the part of a camera that directs light to the film or, in a digital camera

d.    Digital camera is a hardware device that takes pictures like a regular camera, but stores the image as data on a memory card instead of printing it to film.

Learning unit 3

Page: 532

Learning outcome: 3.1


              5. Among the  following tools  choose which are  the camera cleaning products.

                 a.  Eclipse/Methanol

                  b.   rocket blower 

                  c. Cotton or Polyester Tipped Applicator

                  d. Sensor dust

                  e. Brush   Speck grabber

                   f.  Error Code – Err 01

Learning unit 4

Page: 544

Learning outcome: 5.2



06.   Subject will be in focus, but objects that are closer or farther away will be out of focus              (4 marks)

a.    Shallow depth of field

b.   Aperture

c.    ISO

d.   Deeper Depth of Field

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.2


07.                Provide the best answer by filling the gaps.               (4 marks)

a   Shutter Release is the button at the top of the camera used to take the picture

b. A photograph or video taken at close range and showing the subject on a large scale is known as Close up.

         c. Viewfinder is the part of the camera that indicates the field of view that is seen by the camera lens.

            d.  The total amount of light that is captured ( reached) on camera sensor is Exposure

e. an adjustable opening in a camera that limits amount of light, also known as f/Stop is Aperture

Learning unit 5

Page: 544

Learning outcome: 5.2

      (05) What is meant by the word “camera” and “Photography”? (4 marks)

Camera: A camera is an optical instrument that records images that can be stored directly, transmitted to another location, or both. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The camera also record sound but not as preliminary function.

Photography: Photography: is the science, art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light on what means an  image sensor, or photographic film

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.2

 (06)   Give at least 5 Digital Camera features you know.                 (4 marks)

a) Self-Timer 

b) LCD Screen

c) Focus and Exposure

d) Lens 

e) Optical Zoom

Learning unit 3

Page: 532

Learning outcome: 3.1

 (07) Give at least 8 Relevant People (crew members) in Photography. (4 marks)

a.    Director of Photography  

b.   Gaffer 

c.    Make up artist  

d.   Photographer  

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.2

 (08) A Convenient mode dial that allows you to manually switch among different camera settings with ease. Available modes are listed below:                                                                                            (4 marks)

P: Program Mode.

S: Shutter priority Mode.

A:Aperture priority mode

M: Manual Mode

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.2

 (09) What are the following Words stand for:                (4 marks)

a) DSLR: Digital Single Lenses Reflex

b) CCD: Couple Charged Device

c) CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxcid Semi Conductor

Learning unit 3

Page: 532

Learning outcome: 3.1

 (10) Differentiate Prime and Zoom lens. (4 marks)

Prime lens has fixed focal length and take quality image while zoom lens has variable focal length 

Learning unit 3

Page: 533

Learning outcome: 3.2

 (11)  Write short note about white balance.                  (4 marks)

White balance is a function on camera which helps to set the electronics of the camera so that they see colors accurately. Each time you change the environment or condition of the light the white balance need also to set.

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.3


(12) Explain briefly what Is Shutter Speed? (4 marks)

The shutter is like a window shade behind the camera lens. When you take a picture, the shutter opens briefly to allow light to enter through the lens and strike the camera‘s image sensor. Shutter speed refers to how long the shutter remains open. The slower the shutter speed, the more light the sensor

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.3

 (13) Explain briefly what Is the Aperture? (4 marks)

The aperture is an iris in the lens that can be adjusted in size to control how much light enters through the lens. Aperture size is represented by f-numbers and written with the letter f followed by a slash and the f-number—for example f/2.8.

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.3

 (14) Provide a list of key photography equipment you will need to use when you required to capture photographs for whole day event. (4 marks)

Ans: camera mounting like tripod, monopod.


Multiple cameras

Multiple SD Cards

Multiple lens

Multiples charged batteries



Learning unit 3

Page: 533

Learning outcome: 3.2


Section II: This section is composed by three (3) compulsory. 30 Marks



(15)Give at least 8 some of your favorite types of photography and the contemporary (Update) images.         (10 marks)                                     

Ans:Candid photography

Architectural photography

Aerial photography

Documentary photography

Fashion photography 

Food photography

Landscape photography

Action/sports photography

Wedding Photography

Time Lapse Photograph

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 483

Learning outcome: 1.3

 (16)  . Explain how do you shoot a blurry background by considering camera modes and lens types. (10marks)

The idea behind this technique is to limit your depth of field and only focus on your subject. The way to do this is by setting your camera to aperture priority mode and use a wide aperture ( f1.4 – f4 ), you may also use portrait mode.

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 5

Page: 499

Learning outcome: 5.1

 (17)What is image stabilization, and explain three system How can you avoid camera shaking? (10marks)

When the camera shakes, the whole image will become blurred. There is an advanced system in the modern camera lenses that provides Image Stabilizing. But it is, of course, expensive.

To stop camera shaking, you also can use a Tripod, a remote shutter, and block the mirror and achieve similar results.

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 2

Page: 489

Learning outcome: 2.2




Section III: attempt any one (1 ) out of two questions.        15 Marks


18. Discuss the importance of using a tripod when shooting DHR .

 Answer: HDR Photography is all about capturing three different types of images and merging them together which brings out amazing contrasts in your photos. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range and for this HDR image is commonly made by taking three photos of the same scene each in a different shutter speeds. And it should be better to use tripod while shooting HDR photograph for different purposes and make sure that it doesn‘t move. Importance of using a tripod when shooting in HDR photographs  It is recommended to use a tripod while shooting a HDR photographs inüorder to ensure a stable shot. This means that if you are shooting HDR you have to fix your tripod properly so that you will get the shot which is stable without any shaking and a tripod will reduce camera movement and improves picture quality.  In shooting HDR photographs, tripod will help us to capture a movingü subject easily. Due to the nature of HDR and exposure, if there is no tripod it will not be easy to get final shot perfect.  When we are shooting HDR photographs, a tripod will help us to get anüimage in good depth of field. This means that a tripod will do an influence of keeping aperture properly the same between the shots.  To use a tripod when shooting HDR photographs, it affords stability to theücamera and avoids camera shake by the operator in those situations where longer exposure times are necessary. So we should remember to always use a tripod to get the best professional results from HDR photography. Using a tripod will also make it much easier in workflow and post-production as well.

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 486

Learning outcome: 1.4

19. Discuss the change in perspective of picture due to the use of different type of lenses.

Answer: Perspective is a warping or transformation of an object and its surrounding area that differs significantly from what the object would look like with a normal focal length, due to the relative scale of nearby and distant features.  Wide -angle lens(with an angle of view wider than a normal lens) refers to

· a lens whose focal length is substantially smaller than the focal length of a normal lens for a given film plane. Objects close to the lens appear abnormally large relative to more distant objects, and distant objects appear abnormally small and hence farther away distances are extended  Zoom lens: There are two types of lenses-prime and zoom.

Prime lenses

· have a fixed focal length and zoom lenses have variable focal lengths. The advantage of the zoom lens is its versatility. Using a zoom lens also reduces the number of times you need to change the lens which saves time and limits the possibility of getting dust in the camera's mirror box or on the sensor.

 Long lens or Telephoto lens (with an angle of view narrower than a normal· lens) Distant objects look approximately the same size – closer objects are abnormally small, and more distant objects are abnormally large, and hence the viewer cannot discern relative distances between distant objects – distances are compressed.

Module name: Capturing photographic images

Learning unit 1

Page: 486

Learning outcome: 1.4


1.  2.

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